
Lady Leathernecks to Get Same Combat Training as Males

Associated Press

The Marines, who have advertised themselves as “A Few Good Men,” have decided their few good women should be able to fight too.

The no-combat-duty rule for America’s women in uniform remains in place. But, in a change in training policy, female Marine recruits this fall will be subjected to much the same marksmanship and combat instruction that their male colleagues receive.

Because women can be assigned to support units that might unexpectedly come under fire, and since there is always a danger of terrorist activities, “they must be trained in defensive techniques and operations in the event of unforeseen hostile activity,” Marine Corps Commandant Paul X. Kelley said in an order outlining the new policy.


For the first time, all female recruits must qualify in using the M-16 rifle and learn fighting positions, “cover, concealment and camouflage,” and how to handle hand grenades, mines and booby traps.
