
The State : Drunk Driver Convicted

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Clarence Busch, who was involved in a fatal accident that gave rise to the formation of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was convicted by a Sacramento jury on his sixth drunk-driving charge. Busch, 52, was found guilty in Superior Court of two felony counts of drunk driving with bodily injury. He could be sentenced to up to four years in prison. Sentencing was delayed about 30 days, pending a probation report. His car collided with one driven by Carrie Sinnot, 19, of Carmichael, April 17. Police said Busch’s blood alcohol level was 0.20%, twice the legal amount. Busch conceded he was driving the car and had been drinking, but contended that Sinnot was not injured. The jury agreed with the young woman, who said she suffered minor injuries. Busch was convicted in 1980 of vehicular manslaughter in the death of Cari Lightner, 13, whose mother, Candy, founded MADD.
