
Former L.A. City Attorney to Lead New Van Nuys Airport Panel

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Former Los Angeles City Atty. Burt Pines has been elected chairman of the new Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Committee.

Pines was elected unanimously at the committee’s first meeting, held Tuesday night. Bob Jackson of North Hollywood, an aircraft inspector for a company based at the airport, was elected vice chairman. Committee members serve without pay.

Pines, of Sunland, was city attorney from 1973 to 1981.

The 14-member committee was formed by the Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners in response to complaints by homeowner groups.


The movement toward formation of the committee began April 2 when about 300 people attended a public meeting at Fulton Junior High School in Van Nuys, held by the City Council’s Committee on Industry and Economic Development to hear complaints about the airport, including aircraft noise and the danger of plane crashes.

The meeting was attended by Councilmen John Ferraro and Ernani Bernardi. Ferraro subsequently introduced a council motion asking the airport commission, which already had a citywide citizens advisory committee, to establish another that would concentrate on Van Nuys Airport.
