
Spring Valley

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A federal jury convicted a former Spring Valley man Wednesday of seven drug charges even though he disappeared during the trial and was declared a fugitive.

U.S. District Judge Howard Turrentine instructed the jury not to draw any inferences about the absence Tuesday of Hector Nunez de la Paz, 28.

However, his attorney, Jan Ronis, told a reporter Wednesday that several jurors told him afterward that they had seen the word “fugitive” next to the defendant’s name on the calendar posted in the courthouse lobby.


“That likely will be the subject of some further action,” Ronis said, adding that jurors could have discussed Nunez de la Paz’s absence during deliberations.

Nunez de la Paz was convicted of two conspiracy charges relating to possession of methamphetamines with intent to distribute and importing the drug from Mexico. He also was convicted of five charges of using a telephone to further a drug transaction.

Ronis said Nunez de la Paz was to testify in his own defense Tuesday, but Ronis was forced to rest his case without presenting any evidence after his client disappeared.


No sentencing date was set because defendants cannot be sentenced in absentia, although they can be tried if absent voluntarily, said Assistant U.S. Atty. Robert May. If arrested, Nunez de la Paz could face 30 years in federal prison, May said.
