
Howard, at Least, Has Someone Who Loves Him


I would like to know why everyone is putting up with Howard Cosell’s inflated ego and his continuous cutdowns of his so-called friends. He criticizes Frank Gifford, but yet he keeps saying they’re the best of friends. He despises O.J. Simpson only because the Juice wouldn’t stand for Howard’s ridicule and made it known. He embarrasses fellow announcers on national TV by correcting their grammar.

People say the ratings slumped after Cosell left, but if you check the correct sources, the ratings started declining the year before he left . I think it’s time someone stood up and put this back-stabber and his inflated ego in their proper place. I’m sure we all know how intelligent Howard is and how perfect he is, but should we continuously listen to a man whose only love is with himself?


Redondo Beach
