
Park Ill-Advised


Your article on the proposed water park near Escondido (Sept. 27) lists several potential problems that need to be addressed, but it does not mention the one that is basic and that is the water supply.

Has everyone forgotten the drought and the failure of the voters to support legislation and transfer of Northern California water? Do they know that there are water conservation plans adopted by water agencies and municipalities in the county? Have they not read the San Diego County Water Authority “Water Report--1985”? In it the following statement appears: “The imported water supply appears to be less secure than any time in the past. The start-up of the Central Arizona Project at the end of 1985 will reduce Metropolitan Water District’s entitlement to Colorado River water by more than half to 550,000 acre-feet. In the meantime, improvements to the State Water Project (SWP) necessary to make up for that loss have not been approved.”

It would appear that such a park is ill-advised.


El Cajon
