
U.S. Rushed Rocket Basing, Report Says

From Reuters

The United States, concerned that the Geneva summit could halt the deployment of medium-range missiles, has completed the basing of 108 Pershing-2 rockets in West Germany ahead of schedule, Stern magazine said today.

In an article released ahead of publication on Wednesday, the Hamburg magazine, quoting senior Pentagon sources, said the Pershing-2 deployment was “accelerated out of concern that the Geneva summit could produce an immediate halt to the deployment of medium-range missiles.”

The Pershing-2 program had not been due for completion until the end of December, it said.

“A senior official in the office of U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger has confirmed that all 108 Pershings have arrived in their bases at Neckarsulm, Schwaebish Gmuend, Neu Ulm and Heilbronn,” Stern said.


It said the West German Defense Ministry denied that the program had been speeded up. However, a Defense Ministry spokesman contacted by Reuters said it was against ministry policy to comment on the deployment of U.S. missiles. The U.S. Embassy also refused to comment.
