
Summit Agenda: Teas and Glitzy Dinners Plus Talks

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United Press International

The official program of the U.S.-Soviet summit was unveiled Wednesday, showing a 72-hour whirl of formal talks and ceremony mixed with a few social gatherings and glitzy dinners.

For President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Geneva summit is mostly business and diplomatic functions.

But First Ladies Nancy and Raisa will have two private teas together and will be out seeing the sights.


The Reagans arrive Saturday night and have a private day Sunday, while the Gorbachevs arrive Monday. Then the real summit schedule begins, with a hectic series of events running from midday Monday to midday Thursday.

Basic Program

The minute-by-minute schedule is not being published until this weekend for security reasons, but the basic program is as follows.

--Saturday, Nov. 16: President and Mrs. Reagan arrive late at night and are met at the airport by Swiss President Kurt Fuergler. No formal ceremony is planned although Reagan may make a brief statement.


--Sunday, Nov. 17: The Reagans spend a quiet day at their lakeside residence, the Maison Saussure. The president consults with his top advisers and possibly makes a short visit to the nearby Villa Fleur d’Eau, his summit office.

--Monday, Nov. 18: The Gorbachevs arrive in the late morning. The Swiss hold two welcoming formal ceremonies at Le Reposoir, a mansion on Lake Geneva. The first ceremony is for Reagan and a second, separate ceremony is for Gorbachev.

--Tuesday, Nov. 19: Reagan hosts the first day of talks with Gorbachev at the Villa Fleur d’Eau, from 10 a.m.-noon and from 2:30-4:30 p.m. The leaders lunch separately with their aides. The Reagans go to the Gorbachevs’ residence in the Soviet diplomatic mission for dinner, starting at around 8 p.m.


Nancy Reagan goes to Lausanne, about 40 minutes away, where she will visit a drug rehabilitation center, picnic with U.S. children and receive a welcome from Swiss schoolchildren. She returns to Geneva to host Raisa Gorbachev at a 4 p.m. tea.

Raisa is to spend the first part of the day visiting various Geneva sights, including the places where V.I. Lenin lived from 1900 to 1909.

--Wednesday, Nov. 20: Gorbachev hosts the second day of talks, at the same times as the first set. Reagan returns to his residence for lunch with aides.

Swiss authorities host a cocktail reception for the leaders at around 7 p.m. at the lakeside villa La Gandole. After the reception, the Reagans host the Gorbachevs at dinner at Maison Saussure, starting around 8 p.m. and reportedly limited to just 16 people.

UNICEF Recording

The first ladies are to meet in the morning to jointly lay the cornerstone of an International Red Cross museum. Afterward, Nancy visits a Swiss primary school, makes a radio-TV recording for UNICEF and talks with families at the U.S. diplomatic mission. Raisa will visit the Palais des Nations, the U.N. building in Geneva, and at 4 p.m. hosts a tea for Nancy.

--Thursday, Nov. 21: Reagan and Gorbachev are tentatively scheduled to go to the Grand Theatre to make separate public statements before departing, since no joint communique is planned. Reagan goes to Brussels to brief North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies and reports to Congress in the evening.
