
He Knew of Holieway’s Arm Sooner

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Everybody knew he could run with the ball, but freshman quarterback Jamelle Holieway has surprised a lot of people at Oklahoma with his passing, including Coach Barry Switzer.

Chris Ferragamo can’t understand why. He coached Holieway at Banning High School and knew Holieway could do anything the first time he saw him.

“He was running the scout team, and I told him to throw a pass,” Ferragamo said. “The first thing he ever said to me was, ‘Coach, do you want me to throw it over his right shoulder or left shoulder?’ ”


Holieway was a sophomore at the time.

Trivia Time: Former big league outfielder Jim Delsing, who turned 60 Wednesday, became the answer to what trivia question when he played for the St. Louis Browns? (Answer below.)

Poor Jess Atkinson. The former Maryland placekicker, cut this season by the New England Patriots and New York Giants, was released Wednesday by the St. Louis Cardinals.

That means he’ll be looking for a new place to live, which isn’t easy. He told Gary Pomerantz of the Washington Post about the time he and punter Sean Landeta of the Giants followed up an ad for a place in New Jersey.


“It was some place run by a dude named Bronco Billy,” he said. “He had a hairy chest and wore all these gold chains. He said they had luxury suites. We looked and saw that they had carpeting on the walls and ceiling. And they had mirrors on the ceiling over a super king-sized bed.

“Sean says: ‘How much a month?’ Bronco Billy says: ‘We don’t rent by the month.’ Sean says: ‘How much a week?’ Bronco Billy says: ‘We don’t rent by the week.’ They were renting by the night, the hour. Oh man, what a place.”

Back in August, Mississippi State football Coach Emory Bellard flatly predicted that the Bulldogs would win the Southeastern Conference title.


Today, the Bulldogs are the only winless team in the conference at 0-4, and the bumper stickers are breaking out in Starkville: “Make Emory a Memory!”

How do you know you’re getting old? Here’s how Branch Rickey described the stages of senility: “First, you forget names; then, you forget faces; then, you forget to zip up your fly, and then, you forget to unzip your fly.”

Chicago Bear Coach Mike Ditka, who spent 13 years as a player and an assistant coach at Dallas, was asked if there was any difference between himself and Coach Tom Landry.

“The biggest difference is he has about 180 more victories than I have,” Ditka said.

ESPN wanted to televise the 100th meeting between Amherst and Williams last Saturday, but Amherst Coach Jim Ostendarp turned them down.

“We’re in education, not the entertainment business,” Ostendarp said.

Some of the Amherst alumni weren’t happy with his decision, but Ostendarp said he couldn’t care less.

“I’ve got tenure,” he said. “I’m a full professor.”

He’s a pretty good coach, too. Amherst won the game, 35-20, and has a 7-1 record.

Trivia Answer: He was the pinch-runner for Eddie Gaedel after the midget had walked as a pinch-hitter against the Detroit Tigers in 1951.



Cowboy linebacker Eugene Lockhart, asked how he will stop William Perry if The Refrigerator runs from fullback for Chicago Sunday: “I’ll hit him in the face and knock him on his butt.”
