
Jaruzelski Enters by Back Door for Hour Chat With Mitterrand

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United Press International

Polish Communist Party leader Wojiech Jaruzelski, admitted to the Elysee Palace through a back door rather than the traditional “arch of honor,” met for more than an hour today with President Francois Mitterrand on his first official visit with a Western leader.

Jaruzelski, whose visit has provoked outrage in France, where feeling for the banned Solidarity trade union is high, told reporters outside the palace after the 75-minute meeting that the leaders had agreed to “develop” the relationship between their countries.

Mitterrand, who came under heavy criticism for accepting Jaruzelski’s request for a meeting, did not accompany the Polish leader to the door after the meeting. It was the third time since Jaruzelski’s arrival Tuesday night he was not accorded usual diplomatic courtesies for visiting heads of state.


On his arrival in France, the Polish leader was greeted at the airport by a protocol officer rather than a Cabinet minister as would be customary.

Jaruzelski suffered another snub when the owner of a fleet of tourist boats refused to take him on board for a one-hour trip along the Seine.
