
Services for Ex-Justice Stewart to Be Held Wednesday in Capital

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United Press International

Services for retired Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart will be held Wednesday at the National Cathedral, with burial at Arlington National Cemetery, a family spokesman said Sunday.

Stewart, 70, died Saturday in a New Hampshire hospital with his wife, two sons and daughter at his bedside, five days after suffering a stroke.

Sandra Day O’Connor, the court’s first woman jurist, said of his death: “I am particularly aware of the strong role played by Justice Stewart because I occupy the seat on the court which he vacated . . . . He devoted his life to public service and used his exceptional intellect for the enhancement of the quality of life for all citizens of this country.”


Service Lauded

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger cited Stewart’s “dedicated and distinguished service to our country, first on the Court of Appeals and then on the Supreme Court. His death removes a splendid jurist from the bench.”

President Reagan said: “It is as a patriot and a good lawyer--indeed a brilliant man of the law--that we remember Justice Potter Stewart.”

In a statement read by White House spokesman Dale Petroskey, the President said: “Nancy and I join Potter’s family and his close friends, the Vice President and Mrs. Bush, in mourning Potter’s death and in cherishing the memory of his magnificent life.”


Vice President George Bush, who twice took office with Stewart administering the oath, described his longtime friend as “truly an outstanding man. The symbol of decency and honor, he served on our highest court with objectivity.”

Colleagues’ Tributes

Current justices joined in the tributes to Stewart, with Lewis F. Powell Jr. praising him as a “jurist of great distinction.” Byron R. White called him a “great and extremely enjoyable colleague,” and John Paul Stevens said he was “a true source of inspiration.”

William J. Brennan Jr. said that Stewart was a “very great and distinguished justice” and Harry A. Blackmun said he added “basic centrist vision” to the high court.


Thurgood Marshall said that Stewart “was truly great as a justice and as an American.” William H. Rehnquist called him “a good friend and a first-rate judge.”
