
Tips on Solar Energy

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Thank you for running the Nov. 13 article “Buyers Beware as Sun Starts to Set on Solar Energy Tax Breaks” by Tom Greeley.

I am a San Diego State University intern working at CalPIRG, the California Public Interest Research Group. I had the opportunity to contribute to the production of “CalPIRG Reports--Solar Energy Buying Guide.” Before I took on the assignment of investigating the topic of solar water heating systems, all I knew were the basics. I could point out solar collectors on roof tops, and I knew that the sun’s energy was used to heat domestic hot water.

During my research I came to the conclusion that there were plenty of reading materials available on the subject if someone took the time to seek them out. But very often the average consumer obtains his information only in the form of a sales presentation from a representative of a solar company.


This is why it is so important to announce to consumers that there is a four-page report containing information on how to purchase the right solar water heating system for your home. It gives consumers tips on choosing the right contractor to install the system, it provides accurate information on current state and federal tax credits, and what to watch out for during a sales pitch.

For consumers that would like a free copy of the report, it is available by sending a legal size, self addressed, stamped envelope to: CalPIRG--Solar Guide, 2187 Ulric St. Suite B, San Diego, Ca. 92111.


San Diego
