
Times Series on Cocaine

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Every day we read in the newspapers and see on TV stories of the huge drug hauls and the arrests of many peddlers. But slapping the wrists of these people with small fines and/or light prison terms very apparently do no good. Their crimes deserve a much more severe sentence.

These criminals, as we all know, have no hesitancy at killing anyone in their way. Their intent is clear. Why else do they pack deadly weapons? The drug habit--no matter the type of drug--leads to muggings, robbery, burglary, murder, and a life for the addict that is far worse than death.

In view of the above, I firmly believe (as do everyone I’ve talked to on the subject) that all peddlers, dealers, manufacturers, growers, and smugglers must be put to death. The only exemption would be children under the age of 16. Further, since users are aiding and abetting, they too, must face more severe punishment such as extremely long mandatory prison terms of 10 years or longer plus very heavy mandatory fines. Again, the only exemption would be children under the age of 16.

Only by making the punishment more severe and mandatory will we ever hope to control drug abuse.


I realize, of course, that such action as I’ve outlined above will be a long time in coming, for our legislators are usually 10 to 20 years behind the public.


