
Westwood : Scholars Start Two Projects

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Arms control scholars at UCLA have started two research projects that will explore issues affecting international security, university officials announced.

One project, called Alternative Approaches to Arms Control, will evaluate arms control and other approaches that could reduce the risks of war. In charge are Michael Intriligator, director of UCLA’s Center for International and Strategic Affairs, and Roman Kolkowicz, a member of the executive committee of the Rand/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior.

The other new program is the Center for International and Strategic Affairs’ Emerging Nuclear Suppliers and Nonproliferation Project, which will address the issues posed by nations capable of exporting nuclear technology and equipment, including Pakistan, India, South Africa, China and Taiwan.


The director of the project is William Potter, executive director of the UCLA center, with assistance from Intriligator and a team of researchers and advisers from UCLA and several other universities.
