
Arafat Brands Reagan ‘Parrot With No Logic’

United Press International

PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat delivered a stinging criticism of President Reagan today, calling him “a robot and parrot who . . . has no logic” and does not measure up to the example of his predecessor, Jimmy Carter.

It was not clear what prompted the Palestine Liberation Organization chief’s outburst, but the Reagan Administration said this week that it would approve of Israeli retaliation for Friday’s terrorist attacks in Rome and Vienna.

Reagan “does not know the meaning of abiding by his pledges and the commitments of his Administration,” Arafat told the official Kuwaiti News Agency. “Reagan also does not cherish values and does not know the meaning of returning good deeds.”


Carter Praised

He said there was “no point of comparison” between him and former President Jimmy Carter--”a man of principles derived from his true Christian spirit.”

Carter, during his presidency, pledged support for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, who are seeking a homeland in the Middle East.

“I think Reagan is a mere robot and parrot who repeats what is dictated to him, without understanding the implications of his words since he truly has no logic,” the PLO chief said.

He said Reagan “has forgotten or chosen to forget” such PLO actions as its help in evacuating Americans from Lebanon during the siege of Beirut by Israeli forces in 1982.

He said the PLO also played a role in saving the American hostages held in Iran in 1980 and in winning the release of passengers held by Palestinian gunmen aboard the Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro in October.
