
Gramm-Rudman Budget Measure

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Thank you for your editorial (Dec. 10), “Castor Oil and Catnip,” and for publishing subsequent opinions by other writers on the shambles of the Gramm-Rudman budget legislation.

As a senior citizen, who derives her main income from a taxable federal survivor annuity, I fail to find much of a silver lining for the future.

Under the Gramm-Rudman fiasco any cost of living adjustment for the federal annuitant may become non-existent for five years. This is a definite discrimination against one group of senior citizens.


As the costs for food and medical care escalates I may be forced to tell my companion cat of 16 years, “No more catnip!”

It should be interesting to note how each of our legislators voted for this and a means of discovering whom we can trust to uphold the promises made to federal employees prior to and at the time of their retirement.


