
Saving Neighborhoods in Santa Ana


The Washington Square Neighborhood Assn. applauds the action of Santa Ana Mayor Daniel E. Griset and the members of the City Council in maintaining their commitment to neighborhood preservation.

The downtown Westdome Sports Arena is an enticing project, and it demonstrated true leadership to declare the Eddie West Field location as unworkable. By taking charge of this situation, our city leaders will reverse a deteriorating planning process that was causing unnecessary division in our community and damaging our city’s image.

We are witnessing the rebirth of Santa Ana as each new development is completed. Our neighborhoods are regaining their former vitality. They are once again becoming involved in community activities, as witnessed by our many city parades and festivals. Large corporations, such as Xerox and McDonnell Douglas, have found a hospitable environment here in which to relocate.


It would be unfortunate if Santa Ana loses the opportunity to host a National Basketball Assn. team in a new sports arena. With the citywide support for the sports arena concept, combined with the expertise and commitment of the developer, another more viable location surely will be found.

The Washington Square Neighborhood Assn. looks forward to working with our city to determine what the future holds for Eddie West Field. Our hope is that the site can be utilized for the benefit of all residents.



Washington Square

Neighborhood Assn.
