
Local News in Brief : Host Gets 8-Year Term in Slaying of Guest

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A 46-year-old Sepulveda man was sentenced Monday to eight years in state prison for the December, 1984, shooting death of a friend who had been staying at his home.

Van Nuys Superior Court Judge Alan B. Haber imposed the sentence on Robert Henry Page, who was convicted Feb. 3 of voluntary manslaughter. He could have received up to 13 years in state prison.

Page told police he became afraid of Wyndell Morris, 30, after Morris moved into Page’s house and refused to move out, but would not pay rent. Page said Morris threatened him several times, demanding payment for drugs that Morris had provided, police said.


Danny Ray Smith, a witness to the shooting, testified he went with Page on Dec. 4, 1984, to buy a shotgun at a sporting-goods store in San Fernando. After returning to the house, Page went into the bathroom and confronted Morris, who was taking a bath, Smith testified.

Page reportedly told police he fired the first shot accidentally, hitting the wall. Page said he fired a second time when Morris started to get out of the bathtub to come after him, testimony revealed.
