
South Pasadena : Polling Place Errors Caught

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South Pasadena voters who were preparing to journey to the far reaches of the east San Gabriel Valley specified as their polling places in the April 8 municipal election can save themselves the trip.

It seems that the Claremont precincts and polling places listed on sample ballots resulted from a computer error at the printing company, according to City Clerk Ruby W. Kerr. Postcards with the correct information will be mailed this week to each household, she said, adding that the printing company will pay for the mailing.

Kerr said she first realized something had gone wrong on Friday morning, after the city had begun mailing more than 12,600 sample ballots. “Someone called me asking where the meat cutters local was on San Jose Street,” Kerr said, adding that the city has no San Jose Street, let alone a meat cutters local. Then Kerr received a call from a curious voter asking why he had to vote at the Claremont Public Library 30 miles away.
