
Outplacement Firms Can Provide Support

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I read with interest Harry Bernstein’s column on outplacement in the March 5 Business section of The Times. While he raises several interesting points, there are a number of important issues that should be included in a discussion of the outplacement process.

Losing a job can be a very traumatic experience, and outplacement consultants provide emotional support to discharged workers at a time when it is needed most. Research into the trauma associated with terminations shows that workers must first come to grips with a variety of feelings, including rejection, inadequacy, anger and depression. Only then can they effectively make the transition to a new employment opportunity. Outplacement consultants expedite that process by providing comprehensive career planning and job-search training programs.

Studies show that workers who receive out-placement assistance find jobs in half the time and generally earn higher salaries than in their previous positions. They have clearer career objectives, are better prepared for job interviews and are more effective in developing job leads because they have an increased understanding of the job marketplace.


Outplacement services are paid for by the company that is dismissing an employee and it is in the best interests of both parties that the termination process be managed effectively.

While such practices as keeping the termination interview brief or having the employee immediately leave the premises may seem cruel to Bernstein, in actuality they benefit all parties concerned. Managers do not enjoy the task of firing employees, and no one gains from a termination interview that turns into a shouting match. It may seem humane to allow discharged employees to keep their offices while they are job hunting, but in fact it can be an embarrassing situation for affected employees and their former co-workers.

Most outplacement firms provide office space and administrative support to their clients during their job search.


Organizations are constantly faced with the difficult task of having to discharge employees for a variety of reasons, including a reduction in business activity and mergers and acquisitions. Outplacement firms provide an invaluable service that benefits the company and the fired employees by reducing trauma and speeding their transition to new career opportunities.


Career Transition Group

Los Angeles
