
Picketing Barred in Front of Hotel Executives’ Homes

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Two Disneyland Hotel executives were granted temporary restraining orders barring any further demonstrations by union pickets in front of their homes, a hotel spokesman said Monday.

The order, signed by Superior Court Commissioner Greer H. Stroud, prevents members of the Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union from picketing the Orange County residences of the hotel’s president, Michael A. Bullis, and its vice president, Terry Ashton.

Ric Morris, the hotel spokesman, said both officials intend to pursue their rights to the “fullest” degree.


The officials complained that their homes were picketed four times on March 19, 20 and 25. The demonstrations were disruptive and threatening to the officials, their wives and children, both officers claimed.

Abide by Order

A union official said the union intends to abide by the order but may argue against Stroud’s signing a preliminary injunction April 16.

During the earlier picketing, two union officials were placed under citizen’s arrest and taken into police custody after they allegedly stepped on Ashton’s lawn to take a picture, said Steven Beyer, an executive assistant to the union’s president.


Six union officials have been arrested since the picketing began, including Beyer. All were issued citations and then released.

The incidents stem from a continuing labor dispute between the union and the hotel, which broke off negotiations last month after the union’s three-year contract ended Feb. 28. Union officials, who have said they don’t want to call a strike, have announced a nationwide boycott against the hotel.
