
First Amendment on the Campus and in the Newspaper


The students of California State University, Fullerton are not going to be The Times’ sacrificial lamb. The Times’ editorials (April 11 and May 4) accuse CSUF students of forgetting the lessons of the First Amendment.

Your editorial states that “our way of life gives people the right to express ideas no matter how unpopular.” How interesting! CSUF students are to sit by idly while racist obscenities are spewed out from their campus. However, The Times may black out Garry Trudeau whenever it sees fit. The Times has blacked out Trudeau’s “Silent Scream” strip, “Sinatra” strip and, most recently, “Sleaze on Parade.” Why should CSUF students take The Times editorials seriously with such blatant double standards?

The First Amendment argument is being used as a cloak by racists to protect their place in the media. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging freedom of speech.” “Race and Reason” is broadcast by Group W Cable. How does it fit in? Group W Cable certainly is not the Congress of the United States.


Jewel Plummer Cobb, in her ivory tower, is not CSUF. The students are CSUF. If the students want Tom Metzger and his White Aryan Resistance group off their campus, so be it! Let the students take the heat for their decision.

President Cobb should remember that if Metzger had his way she, a black, would not even be in the United States.


Yorba Linda

McMillan is a senior at Cal State Fullerton.
