
The State - News from May 22, 1986


California State University trustees agreed to go forward with plans for a San Diego State campus in northern San Diego County, but put off a decision on precisely where the school should be built. On a unanimous vote in Long Beach that ended months of speculation, the board approved a resolution pledging to purchase land for the branch, which officials say is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the main San Diego campus and to accommodate the explosive population growth forecast for the area into the next century. Before the campus becomes a reality, the proposal still must receive the endorsements of the California Post-Secondary Education Commission and the state Legislature. Sen. William Craven (R-Oceanside), who has fought to build the SDSU branch since 1968, said he is prepared to introduce legislation providing funds for the land purchase as soon as a site is selected. Four sites are under consideration--two in Carlsbad and two in San Marcos.
