


It’s a brave new world over at Disney--and we’re about to find out just how brave.

Marketing executives are debating what copy line to use for the company’s upcoming Touchstone release “Ruthless People,” starring Bette Midler and Danny DeVito. It’s triply directed by the guys (the Zucker brothers and Jim Abrahams) who did “Airplane!”

The first choice ad-line to accompany the illustration (an Oscar-like gold screw on a pedestal) referred to this as a comedy for people who have been taken advantage of. But executives suspected that some papers might object and did an informal survey. About half said they wouldn’t print the line. (We would have abstained, too, which is why you don’t see the line here.)

Now, said a Disney spokesman, the line may be dropped in favor of: “It is better to give than to receive.”
