
The Region - News from June 5, 1986


A California State University, San Diego, fraternity, thrown off campus for its purported involvement in an alleged rape, has sued to overturn the action, saying that the school overstepped its authority and denied the fraternity a fair trial. Pi Kappa Alpha was suspended from campus for five years in February after a disciplinary hearing. In addition, 29 fraternity members were given punishments ranging from expulsion to reprimands. The fraternity filed suit in San Diego Superior Court. An 18-year-old woman had alleged that she was raped at a Nov. 14 party at the fraternity by as many as three men while others watched but did nothing. She has since left school. The district attorney’s office declined to press charges, saying that there was insufficient evidence, but an investigation by university police concluded that the attack had occurred. University spokesman Rick Moore declined comment.
