
Deukmejian and Rose Bird


A story in The Times (June 6) reports a statement addressing the current politicizing of jurists. The author of the statement deplored what he called “vicious and highly personal attacks made by outside groups with a big ideological ax to grind.”

Another one of Chief Justice Bird’s admirers deploring Gov. Deukmejian’s lastest attack on her? Wrong. It was Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese III deploring the action of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which rejected one of the President’s choices for a federal bench in Alabama.

Meese also said that this jurist “is the unfortunate victim of people whose tactics are reprehensible, who appear willing to smear anyone in order to advance their agenda.”


This so accurately describes Deukmejian’s attacks on Rose Bird in his quest to advance his own agenda--a second term--one wonders if Meese’s comments are an unintentional description of Deukmejian’s tactics or a formula.

If the governor really believes that the function of the California Supreme Court is to follow “the will of the people” a discussion of the three branches of government is long overdue.


