
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE I ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : CITIES : Proposal to Ban Burger Sale at Mini-Marts Loses

<i> Times staff writers Ray Perez, Heidi Evans and Jeffrey A. Perlman compiled the Week in Review stories</i>

Hamburger lovers won a key battle last week, as the Anaheim City Council shelved a proposal that would have banned the sale of hot foods at gas station mini-marts that also sell alcoholic beverages.

Anaheim Councilman E. Llewellyn Overholt, who proposed the original ban, voted against his own proposal, saying his original reasoning had been “flawed.”

Overholt had proposed the ban, reasoning that customers who bought hot foods would be likely to purchase beverages--including alcoholic drinks--to wash them down, and would thus be tempted to drink and drive.


The councilman now says he believes the problem is not the sale of hot foods, but the selling of gasoline and alcoholic beverages at the same establishment.
