
Building Bans Extended by Unanimous Vote


The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously last week to extend building moratoriums north and east of UCLA and in Westwood Village for 180 days, or until January, 1987. The extension was requested by Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky.

The moratoriums went into effect last year and were scheduled to expire July 17. They were imposed to stop further development in these areas until a revised community plan is completed.

Residents north and east of UCLA pushed for the moratorium there because of what they said was a rash of demolitions of small apartment buildings inhabited by university students and moderate-income people and the building of large new rental complexes that such tenants could not afford.


The moratorium in Westwood Village was imposed last year after property owner groups voiced concerns about developers’ plans for multistory buildings there. Residents are asking for a three-story height limit on new buildings in that area.
