
Fair Plays Host to Special Crowd


The Orange County fair has been drawing record crowds, but none we suspect was more enthusiastic or had more fun than the group that attended last Tuesday morning.

It was a small crowd compared to the number of people who have been jamming the midway and visiting the exhibit halls. A crowd of less than 5,000 people. But it was a special one. And those in it had the fairgrounds all to themselves for a private visit.

This group was made up of disabled people, guests of the fair, which opened its doors three hours early so that those with sight, hearing and other problems that put them at a disadvantage in trying to fight crowds and keep up in a world geared mainly for the able-bodied, could visit the fair and enjoy it, at their own pace.


Some of the rides were slowed and accessibility to them and other attractions was made easier. It’s a sensitive and caring approach that others in the business of hosting the public could well follow.
