
San Diego

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The bodies of two motorcycle accident victims were found by a passing motorist on the off-ramp from westbound Interstate 8 to northbound College Avenue.

The victims, one 21 and the other 25, both of whom were sailors stationed at Miramar Naval Air Station, were found wedged between two metal guard rails on the shoulder of the road by a passing motorist at 6:15 a.m. Thursday. The names of the men were not available Thursday evening.

Police had responded at 11:15 p.m. Wednesday to a report of a motorcycle accident and had recovered the slightly damaged vehicle. In the darkness, the officers apparently missed the bodies, which were concealed more than 70 feet away, said Officer Ron Hoglund of the California Highway Patrol.


The same motorist apparently had seen the two driving erratically in the vicinity of the accident the previous night.

“A great quantity” of drugs and drug paraphernalia, including marijuana, an unidentified white substance, a scale and razor blades, were found on the bodies, Hoglund said.
