
Oswald Kin to Get Autopsy Data

Associated Press

The widow of Lee Harvey Oswald said today that she has reached an out-of-court settlement that will allow her to get videotapes and photographs taken of the accused presidential assassin’s exhumation and autopsy five years ago.

Both Marina Oswald Porter and British author Michael H. B. Eddowes have been trying since the October, 1981, exhumation to gain possession of the tapes, Porter said.

She had Oswald’s body exhumed to disprove Eddowes’ theory that a Soviet spy was buried in Oswald’s grave at Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth. Oswald was the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy.


In February, 1984, Porter filed suit in state district court in Dallas against Hampton Hall and John Norman Collins, the two men Eddowes paid to record the autopsy.

In return for the tapes, photos and any copies that might have been made, Porter agreed to pay $750 to the two men, she said.
