
‘Worm in the Constitution’


I am infuriated at the idea of repealing the 22nd Amendment, because any continuation of this Administration, which has ended programs that have caused numerous segments of the population to experience a considerable amount of damage, is horrendous.

Squalor, misery and deprivation are pervasive throughout the length and breadth of the nation as millions are suffering from homelessness, malnutrition, and in some areas even starvation.

The only thing humanitarians and those of a civil libertarian bent can view optimistically is the 22nd Amendment, precluding any furtherance of this Ronald Reagan horror story.


There is a saying, however, that laughter is the best medicine and consequently a quip from the period of time when the 22nd Amendment was first applied is appropriate. “The Republicans aimed at Roosevelt but hit Eisenhower.”

An addendum can then be incorporated to provide a closing. And then it bounced off Ike and gained enough speed and momentum almost three decades later to aid the progressive forces in getting rid of Ronald Reagan.


San Gabriel
