
‘Tale of Two Justices’


Your editorial was the most irritating piece of elitist drivel that I have read in many years. My, how desperate the liberals are becoming as the defeat of Rose Bird becomes more assured.

I won’t even comment on the ludicrous attempt to tie Bird’s reconfirmation vote to President Reagan’s elevation of Rehnquist to the position of chief justice of the United States. The tactical nature of that ploy was obvious.

And the implication that the voters of California have no right to vote Rose Bird out for ideological reasons was bad enough. By the way, quoting Alexander Hamilton, who despised the intellectual capacity of the common man, was a master stroke of arrogance.


But when you described Bird’s consistent vote against the death penalty as “disturbing,” I became quite ill. Your paper’s longstanding opposition to the death penalty is well known. Perhaps you really do feel that the voters are that stupid!


