
Top Soviet Official Ends Month’s Visit to China

United Press International

Soviet First Deputy Premier Ivan V. Arkhipov left Peking on Tuesday at the end of a one-month visit that fueled speculation of new movement in Sino-Soviet relations.

In a two-paragraph report on his departure for Moscow, the official New China News Agency said Arkhipov arrived in Peking “for medical treatment on July 22” and Vice Premiers Wan Li, Yao Yilin and Li Peng “called on him.”

Arkhipov’s prolonged stay in Peking coincided with recent overtures from Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev and with signs that the two rivals may be closer to a resumption of Communist Party ties, severed since the Sino-Soviet split of the mid-1960s. Chinese officials, however, insisted the Soviet vice premier’s visit was private and no political discussions were held.
