
Kendall McGaw Will Move to Irvine From Georgia

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Spurred by stiffening competition within the hospital supply business, Irvine-based Kendall McGaw Laboratories plans to close its Georgia manufacturing plant and move its operations to Irvine, a spokeswoman said Monday. Although the move will idle about 700 workers in Georgia, it is expected to create about 240 new jobs locally, the spokeswoman said.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and again on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kendall McGaw officials will conduct interviews for the new positions the move is expected to create. Available openings range from unskilled production work to skilled jobs, such as electricians and mechanics, the spokeswoman said.

Kendall McGaw, which specializes in intravenous solutions, has about 1,300 employees locally, as well as 700 in Puerto Rico. The firm has been headquartered in Irvine since 1973.


Formerly a subsidiary of American Hospital Supply, the company was sold last year to a Boston-based subsidiary of the Colgate Palmolive Co. to satisfy U.S. Justice Department officials overseeing the $3.8-billion acquisition of American Hospital by Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc.
