
Pershing Square Future

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Pershing Square or Park, or whatever it will become, should be Los Angeles, the most ethnically diverse city in the world. New York has its Statue of Liberty. L. A. can have its Melting Pot Square, with amenities and activities to attract people.

My concept, combined with imaginative but fairly simple park-like features, i.e. trees, shrubs, water, etc., is to divide the park into four quadrants: north, south, east and west. Each would be designated as a major portion of the globe from which our many peoples have come.

Each area would be ever changing, ever attractive. The possibilities are endless. Food, exhibits, shows, dances, presentations, fairs, displays, spectacles, etc. Each sector would be the responsibility of a representative ethnic group under an overall Pershing Square Management Assn..


The cultural groups would decide what each would show, how and by whom it will be presented, to finance, staff and maintain it.

The concept would be relatively inexpensive to the city, after the initial investment for the redesign and rebuilding. The Pershing Square Management Assn. would be responsible only for coordinating and overseeing the exhibits and for security and cleanliness.


