
The Pleasure of Amtrak

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Though I am usually a big Travel Section fan, Richard Burgholz’s article about Amtrak Aug. 10 annoyed me greatly. I had the pleasure of riding the train in a sleeping compartment in July, 1985, from Springfield, Mass., to Los Angeles.

At no time during the three days did I feel any unpleasant bumping or wrenching from badly maintained tracks. The nights in my upper bunk on the top floor of the double-decker Pullman were pure bliss. Everything having to do with that trip was smooth. I charged the tickets over the phone and they were mailed to me on time. The booking agents answered dozens of questions for this first-time Amtrak traveler, and the service people on board were always polite and eager to do any little thing that might make the trip happier.

In contrast, in September, 1985, I rode the highly praised European train system from Paris to Stockholm and back again to Amsterdam. My reservations were messed up on the way north and the porter told me I had to change compartments just as I was falling asleep. Plus, one must carry her own drinking water and what food was available was poor and very expensive. As European trains go, I’ll take Amtrak anytime.



