
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : COURTS : Man Granted Leniency in Killing Back in Court Again

Times staff writers Gary Jarlson, Lorena Oropeza and Barry Surman compiled the Week in Review stories

Back in court this week was Joeri DeBeer, convicted of killing his guardian but spared a prison sentence when his jurors asked for leniency.

This time, DeBeer, 18, pleaded guilty to violating terms of his probation by visiting his former girlfriend, who had testified against him.

But Judge Myron S. Brown also said he will review the youth’s probation performance after the first of the year to determine whether he should serve 90 days in jail.


DeBeer was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the 1985 death of Phillip A. Parsons, a convicted child molester who had been appointed his legal guardian.
