


“CHICAGO 18.” Chicago. Warner Bros. Love it or hate it, this enduring institution possesses some trademark attributes that have sustained it for as many years as albums--and through nearly as many personnel changes. Those slightly brash horn and vocal arrangements could belong to no one else.

At this point, however, those elements are all Chicago has to offer. The pallid “18” only confirms that whatever creative (if not commercial) glories the group can claim are all in the past. In fact, “18’s” sole saving grace is the contemporary remake of “25 or 6 to 4”--a song that was originally a No. 4 hit for the group in 1970. Even that song barely survives producer David Foster’s layers of booming drums, screaming guitars and pointless techno gimmickry. But then, just about anything with some character would sound good in the midst of the forgettable, sappy tunes that fill out the album.

And the lyrics? Here’s a highlight chorus: “As long as Niagara falls / As long as Gibraltar stands / Till Hell freezes over / I’ll always be your man.”


If the records ever stop selling they can always go to work for Hallmark.
