
Roundups of Illegal Aliens by Harold Ezell’s INS


In reading about the illegal alien roundups in Orange County (Sept. 26), it is obvious to me that (Immigration and Naturalization Service western regional commissioner) Harold Ezell enforces our immigration laws in a manner that is truly color blind--and that color is white.

There are millions of white, European illegal aliens in our country, yet Ezell feigns ignorance toward this problem and turns a blind eye to their presence in America. Clearly, Ezell’s actions indicate that, in his mind, the only illegal aliens in America are either from countries south of the border or, to a lesser extent, Asians. White illegal immigrants--who take the desirable positions that we Americans could, should and want to have--are left unfettered and allowed to keep their high-paying positions, no matter how many Americans are displaced. This is not justice.

I am starting to believe that it is the unwritten policy of the Reagan Administration that some illegal aliens are more illegal than others.


Some readers may recall the illegal alien who was illegally working as a policeman in Santa Monica. The Immigration and Naturalization Service had a deportation order against him, but Secretary of State George P. Shultz stayed the deportation order. This illegal alien was rewarded for his illegal behavior while others are penalized for waiting their turn to obtain their visas. The Administration, in effect, helped a gate-crasher to circumvent the immigration laws of our country. Now the word is out all over Europe that if you make it to our shores, you are home free.

Ezell is always ranting and raving that illegal aliens are here only for the jobs. Well, I think Ezell is correct on that point, and I believe that applies to all illegal aliens.


