
Great-Hearted Turkey


After 30 years of travel I just went to Turkey for the first time. Headspinningly beautiful with waterfalls, emerald coasts, red plains, jagged mountains, diamond-turquoise water, ancient ruins and blazing flowers, it is also unspoiled and inexpensive.

We were two woman traveling alone in a rented car, and at all times we were absolutely safe. The Turks are, quite simply, the most courteous, friendly and generous people I have ever met, anywhere. Men, women and children give their all and refuse payment. Why the cruel misconception exists that Turkey is to be avoided I neither know nor care, but in fairness to a country that--consistently and astonishingly--demonstrated to me how human beings of different cultures can behave greatheartedly toward each other, I sound a trumpet fanfare for the Turks.

Life is too short not to experience joy when it is available. Go there.


Santa Barbara
