
Positions on Campaign Issues


Thank you for your coverage of my race for Congress in the 23rd District. It is important that the media inform the public as to the positions of the candidates.

Unfortunately, my answers on your questionnaire reported Oct. 11 did not fully reflect my views on the issues in two cases.

First, Question No. 7 in regard to Chemical weapons: I SUPPORT the resumption of chemical weapon production. It’s a difficult decision, but in today’s uncertain world, with chemical weapons used by Soviet clients in both Cambodia and Afghanistan, we must have a deterrent. I have been a consistent supporter of the resumption of production of chemical weapons. Unfortunately, I placed my response in the wrong column. The answer is YES.


Second, Question No. 11 in regard to Metro Rail: I have ALWAYS opposed the development and construction of Metro Rail. It is obvious from the news reports in your paper that the management of the RTD is incapable of building this system. They spend $95,000 for a party, have drivers who aren’t licensed, absenteeism that is rampant and a system which does not truly serve the San Fernando Valley or the Westside of Los Angeles very well.

I, as stated in the completed form, instead support an aboveground system. But, if we start the project (having a party doesn’t count), then let’s finish it quickly and not waste more tax dollars (we have to do something with the giant hole in the ground).


Thousand Oaks
