
Turns Attack on Opponents : ‘Worst’ Legislator Makes Political Hay Out of Title

Associated Press

A state senator who has been voted one of the worst legislators in the state by his colleagues can’t be accused of hiding the fact. He has emblazoned it on a campaign brochure being sent to 60,000 voters.

Democratic state Sen. LeRoy Lemke’s campaign organizers call the strategy a “preemptive strike.” Republicans call it a gift.

“I guess when you get a lemon you try to make lemonade,” state Republican Chairman Don Adams said. “And he’s got a big lemon.”


In big, bold letters, the front of the two-page brochure reads: “Who says LeRoy Lemke is one of the 10 worst Illinois legislators?”

Inside, Lemke answers the question: “Politicians, Springfield fix-it artists and lobbyists.”

Asked his reaction to the brochure, challenger Robert Raica said, “I thought we mailed it out.”

“When I first saw it,” said Raica’s campaign manager, Stan Nykiel, “I thought it was an outstanding piece because I thought we’d put it out. But it took me to the second page of the pamphlet to find out it was Lemke’s.”

Lemke, 51, of Chicago was named the worst state legislator last year in a Chicago Sun-Times poll of his colleagues. He was named one of the 10 worst in a similar 1977 poll. The worst were described as goof-offs who contribute little to debate or the bill-shaping process.
