
Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner Will Be Keynoted by Boesak Speech

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South African anti-apartheid activist Rev. Allan Boesak will be keynote speaker at the 10th annual Martin Luther King Jr. birthday dinner celebration to be held on Jan 19 at the Westin Bonaventure.

Boesak is president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and founder of the United Democratic Front. His fellow countryman Archbishop Desmond Tutu was keynoter last year at the King Birthday Celebration.

The event will mark the second observance of the national holiday dedicated to King and culminate the King Week ’87 Festival Jan. 9-19, which has been declared the official King holiday observance for Los Angeles by Mayor Bradley and the City Council.


Sponsors are the Southern Christian Leadership Conference/Los Angeles and the Martin Luther King Legacy Assn., the nonprofit arm of the SCLC/LA.

The dinner will feature presentation of the Martin Luther King Jr. Award, Rosa Parks Award and the President’s, Drum Major and Prophetic Witness awards.

Other King Week ’87 events will be an opening-night concert, SCLC open house, an interfaith prayer breakfast and citywide religious observance and an art and essay contest. King Week Festival co-chairs are Carolyn Webb de Macias, area vice president for Pacific Bell, and Bishop Oliver Garver Jr., Suffragen Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.


For information about the dinner or King Week activities, call (213) 295-KING.
