
Doodles by Nixon Aide Ehrlichman Sell for $2,050

Associated Press

Five pages of doodles and notes by Nixon White House aide John D. Ehrlichman have been auctioned for $2,050, and a lawyer who was one of the buyers says it will remind him of the damage his profession can do.

Ehrlichman, who was chief domestic adviser to former President Richard M. Nixon and served 18 months in prison for Watergate offenses, sent the autographed items to auctioneer Herman Darvick to determine their worth.

One sketch, of former Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst on the back of a page of notes Ehrlichman took during his trial, went for $300. Another--a sketch on White House stationery of Nixon, former Treasury Secretary George P. Shultz (now secretary of state), former U.S. Sen. William E. Brock III (now labor secretary) and others during budget discussions--went for $525.


James R. Jard, a lawyer from Houston, bought the latter sketch.

He said he was in law school during the Watergate scandals, and it had “struck me how ill the country had been served by lawyers.”

He said he would probably hang the drawing “in my office to remind me and the others to do a better job as lawyers.”
