
Judge to Determine Barbay’s Eligibility

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A hearing is scheduled today in a New Orleans federal court to determine whether Roland Barbay, a star defensive end for Louisiana State, will be able to play against Nebraska in Thursday’s Sugar Bowl.

Barbay had been banned from playing after an NCAA test indicated that he had been using anabolic steroids, synthetic hormones used to develop size and strength. They were declared illegal for college players last January.

Barbay is one of several bowl players who have tested positive for either steroids or other drugs considered illegal by the NCAA.


Barbay is arguing that he conducted his four-week experiment with steroids, which he says were prescribed by a doctor for a knee injury, in the spring, three months before the rule went into effect. Barbay’s attorney also says that the player wasn’t told until August that he might be declared ineligible by using steroids.

Barbay’s attorney, Nick Noriea, accused the NCAA of a delaying tactic by moving the case from state to federal court. Sarah Vance, an attorney for the NCAA, denied Noriea’s charge.
