
Liz Says Hamilton Won’t Be Her 8th--’Why Mess It Up?’

United Press International

Elizabeth Taylor today scotched reports in the tabloid press that she quietly married actor George Hamilton in the Swiss Alps, or that they have plans to wed.

“With my record, for me to be married to anyone is just going to mess things up,” said Taylor, 54, who has been married seven times, including twice to Richard Burton.

“No, we don’t have any plans to marry,” Taylor told reporters at Heathrow Airport after she kissed Hamilton goodby and he boarded a flight to Los Angeles after a ski trip to Switzerland and a weekend in London.


“We’re very happy as we are. Why do anything to mess it up?”

The actress was escorted to her own New York-bound flight in a wheelchair.

“I twisted my right knee on the ice in Switzerland,” she explained. “I didn’t do any skiing--just thinking about skiing.”
