
Creating a Euphemism


Jay T. Hollerer (Letters, Jan. 4) is unhappy that the Labor Department treats such “careers as fry cook, envelope stuffer, crossing guard and phone sales” as full-time employment in calculating the nation’s unemployment rate.

He cites the low pay and often temporary nature of those jobs.

Hollerer’s unhappiness is further compounded by what he believes to be the satisfaction of “our tired old President” with the Labor Department’s policy.

His comments offend those of us who are not ashamed to toil in the fields he mentioned. To those who are frustrated in such jobs, such a reference only adds to the frustration.


And what is our President supposed to do about such a situation? Create a Cabinet-level Department of Meaningful Employment? Those of us who look forward to going to work on Monday morning are the lucky few.

To increase general job satisfaction, you would have to convince consumers to purchase expensive merchandise made by skilled craftsmen rather than cheap products made by bored assembly line workers. Redefining the unemployment rate will only create a euphemism.


Leona Valley
