
Tower Commission on NSC Will Quiz Reagan Monday

United Press International

President Reagan will be interviewed Monday by the Tower Commission studying the National Security Council operations in the aftermath of the Iran arms scandal, a White House spokesman announced today.

The term of the special review board, headed by former Sen. John Tower of Texas, also has been extended until Feb. 19 “due to the large amount of material” the panel has to deal with, Deputy Press Secretary Larry Speakes said.

Speakes said Reagan will meet later today with David M. Abshire, his special counselor who is the “facilitator and coordinator” of information on the clandestine shipment of arms to Iran and allegations that the proceeds from the sales were diverted to the Nicaraguan contras.


Speakes said Abshire, who has met once before with Reagan, will discuss with him “how to proceed” in a 20-minute session.

Speakes said White House Chief of Staff Donald T. Regan will not sit in on the Reagan meeting with Abshire.

He said White House aides will meet with Tower staffers to work out the details of Reagan’s meeting with the board, which will take place the day before he delivers the State of the Union address.

Speakes said the interview will take place in the White House. It will not be sworn testimony since the panel does not have subpoena powers.

Speakes said Reagan probably will meet with Peter Wallison, the White House counsel, before meeting with the commission.
