
Most Tired of Scandal, Lott Tells Reagan

Associated Press

President Reagan previewed his State of the Union address for congressional Republicans this morning and was told that most Americans “were tired of hearing” about the Iran- contra scandal bedeviling his Administration.

The President’s advisers said Reagan will deal only briefly with Iran in his 25-minute speech beginning at 6 p.m. PST. The lawmakers said Reagan did not say how he would discuss the subject.

White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the President asked the lawmakers what they were hearing from their constituents back home.

Few Volunteer Comments

Speakes said House Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi told Reagan that very few people volunteered any comments about the Iran-contra affair “and that they hoped to find a way to bring it to an end and that most of them were tired of hearing about Iran.”


In reply, Reagan said he too “would like to find a conclusion to it and get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible,” Speakes said.

On the Hill, House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) promised “to listen to the President (tonight) with an open mind.”
